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Digital Marketing Services

Digital Marketing Services

The good old marketing strategy of using billboard, print and TV media is effective only in the initial phase of a business campaign. To get more leads and to grow a business, Digital Marketing is the path to follow. Our Organization, Zotomatics Information Technologies, has been in the field of IT Services in Dubai for many years. We have a reputation for being one of the top IT Service providers.

Digital Marketing Company in Dubai

One of the Services we excel in is providing a Digital Marketing campaign on behalf of our Clients. We have a team of experts, who, after getting inputs from the Client, will device a highly effective campaign leading to a high level of business growth. The Digital Marketing campaign we device will drive lots more prospective customers to our Client’s website. Once the campaign starts, our Clients will see a quantum leap in new leads plus more and more Customers clicking the ‘Call to Action’ button.

The Digital Marketing campaign depends on the Client’s type of business and his business needs. Our teams of experts, in close consultation with the Client, will device the campaign and it will essentially have three major components. They are:

  • Getting more business leads – Our campaign will increase the website traffic using content marketing, e mail campaign, SEO, pay per click [PPC] marketing and using Social Media such as Face Book, Twitter etc.
  • Converting business leads into actual business – Once the campaign directs more footfalls to the Clients website, it has to be converted from an anonymous visitor to a concrete lead, which can subsequently be followed up. This is achieved by having good content on the site, plus offers such as free e books etc.  The other methods are to have videos, nurturing e mails etc. to establish contact and gain the trust of potential customers.

Turn leads into actual sales – Getting leads is important, but unless it translates into actual business, it is of no use.  Our Digital Marketing campaign will empower the Client’s marketing team with tools and Data to actually complete the deal.

Our Digital Strategy for Digital Marketing campaign success

There are various methods we use to carry out a successful Digital Marketing campaign. Taken together, it gives a holistic model, where the Client can be assured of success in getting a large number of business leads.

Some of the aspects of the Digital Marketing tactics we use are:

  • We do a thorough Search Engine Optimization of the Client’s website. Once SEO compliant, it will get high Google search rankings.
  • Marketing using content by means of blogs, relevant articles etc.
  • Free, downloadable offers such as webinars, e books, whitepapers etc. Offering something free is an irresistible temptation to most visitors to the website.
  • E Mail marketing campaign, giving details about the business, products, advantages etc.
  • Using Face book, Twitter and other Social Media platforms to carry out the marketing campaign.
  • Videos, which give an insight into what’s on offer from our Client’s business. It will be slick, well made and informative.
  • Website A & B testing.
  • A well laid out and easy to grasp landing page.
  • A well thought out “Call to Action” strategy. The “Call to Action” should be presented only when the Visitor has been teased with sufficient information which has aroused his curiosity about the products/services on offer.  If the ‘Call to Action’ is given too early, the Visitor may get a feeling of being “pushed” and leave early.  This is where our expertise is invaluable.
  • Pay Per Click Marketing.
  • Building quality back-links.
  • Marketing Automation. Staff need only intervene to answer queries or close the deal.
  • Nurturing leads. Even if the lead does not yield business immediately, by nurturing the potential customer, it may yield future dividends.
  • Public Relations

Quick Enquiry

    The entire plan is discussed with the Client and once the customized campaign is given the go ahead, it is set in motion. We hold regular review meetings with our Clients to ensure that the Digital Marketing campaign is on track. Our charges for such campaigns are moderate, but rest assured, the results will surpass the Client’s expectation.

    If you have any queries regarding our Services, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] or call +1900-242-23-23. We will be glad to answer your queries. We will be happy to provide you a free consultation, to assess your needs.

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