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Mobile App Development Services in Dubai

With the ubiquitous availability of Smart Phones, it is no surprise that Mobile Apps have more or less become what connects the world of commerce to millions of customers worldwide. Recent studies have shown that in excess of 90% of mobile usage originates from various Apps. Even people who are not buying things online, but visiting a regular store, do use Apps to find out what’s the best purchase and where and how to get bargains etc. Mobile Apps have become a part of our daily lives.

Mobile App Development Company in Dubai

With such intensive usage of Mobile Apps, App development has become essential in online marketing strategies.  All modern marketing campaigns depend on various Apps for its success.  Mobile Apps helps in:

  • Getting access to the business portal
  • Simplifying the buying and payment process
  • Acquiring Customer data such as preferences, buying habits, spending profiles etc.
  • Help keep up with latest market trends

All it takes to join the Mobile App revolution is a onetime investment in Mobile App development. Once the App has been developed and put in use, the business is all set to increase its market penetration and sales.

Using mined Customer data to formulate long term strategy

Mobile Apps help businesses to mine Customer data. It simplifies the process when the App is cloud based. Once the App starts yielding data, marketing reps can identify trends in Customer preferences by long term monitoring. Effective marketing strategies can be formulated using Customer behavioral patterns.

Mobile App based Digital Marketing to expand the Audience base

The Mobile App is a crucial tool to expand the audience base. Using the App it makes it easier to connect to local businesses by providing a link in the Smart Phone. All information is available at a Customer’s fingertips. It helps in reaching out to a Customer more effectively. It is possible to target a worldwide audience using a Mobile App. By switching over to a mobile friendly theme, a business can improve mobile search rankings as well as User interaction.

Connecting the Dots in a Customers life through Mobile Apps

All the daily activities of a Customer can be consolidated in the screen of a Smart Phone. There are Apps for all occasions and to name a few: Social Media, Apps to hook up with family, Apps to plan the day, Apps for shopping, Apps for socializing etc. Think of any activity and there will be an App. That is how commonplace Mobile Apps have become. For the millennials of today, life begins and ends with an App.

The Value of Push Notifications

This vital aspect of Mobile Apps has been available to developers to ensure timely reminders of new features or prompt to open the App. Businesses can use push notifications to inform its customers of new products or services, deals, bargains, offers etc. Though they are available at a Customer’s fingertips, they are not intrusive in nature, but visible nevertheless. Notifications should not be too frequent, but spaced out at reasonable intervals. They should be helpful but not irritating. The business will lose out if the Customer switches off the notifications.

Keep Sight of the long term picture

After the initial launch of the App, the business may register an increase. However, it is important to monitor the utility of the App over a longer period. Customer feedback is a useful tool in Mobile App development. After all, the Mobile App is meant for a Customer and his views are of prime importance.

Ease of use

There is nothing more irritating to a Customer than an App that is difficult to navigate and use. They will promptly leave. If it is an easy to use an App, Customer’s will be loyal to it. By using adaptive design principles, it is easy to make the interface clean and easy to work with, irrespective of screen size.

To design a Mobile App, that has all the features of a winner, needs plenty of expertise and experience. Our Organization, Zotomatics Information Technologies, has been in the forefront of Mobile App development in Dubai. Our team of experts can put together a very good Mobile App. We have a wide base of fully satisfied Clients.

Quick Enquiry

    You can contact us at [email protected] or call +1-900-242-23-23 and get your queries answered or fix up a free consultation with our experts. We believe in moderate charges, but we give our Clients backing 24×7.

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