
we help to grow your business

Website Development Company in Dubai

With literally millions of websites vying for attention of potential customers, unless and until a business has an outstanding website, with good content and well SEO’d, it is unlikely the website will garner business. This is why services of experts in the field such as our organization, Zotomatics Information Technologies, are crucial. We have a team of experts, who have many years of experience in the field. We have many satisfied customers in our fold and we are in the forefront of IT Services in Dubai.

Website Development Company in Dubai

All strategies used to attract customers depend primarily on the website. This means the website content has to be informative, easy to understand and well laid out. One of the most important aspects of a website is that it should be easy to navigate. Once the visitor checks out the website, he or she should find the site compelling so as to click on the “Call to Action” button. The website should get high Google search rankings by having it follow all the SEO principles and guidelines. Once the visitor clicks on the “Call to Action” button, it means that half the battle has been won.

Our team of experts, after getting inputs from the Client, will design the website based on sound principles, which form the core of the website such as:


Though the .com is mostly used, it will be a sound strategy to register domains such as .net, .ae, .mobi etc. A visitor to these sites will be automatically redirected to the primary domain name. This strategy casts the net much wider than having only a single domain. Our experts will advice the Client as to what other domains he should register, to attract maximum visitors.

Host Platform

This is a crucial aspect of the Client’s website. Since the attention span of a customer is small, if it is hosted on a slow platform, navigation will take too much time and the Visitor will leave for a faster hosted site. We know all the fastest, most cost effective sites which are available worldwide.

Content Management System or CMS

This is an important consideration for a successful website. Though WordPress is in common usage, there are equally good, if not better, systems which have equally good performance and may work out to be cheaper too. The type of CMS largely depends on the type of business, target audience etc.

Web Crawling & Accessibility

A Google search should turn up high search rankings. This makes it vital that search bots can trawl the site in an instant and find that the content is relevant to the search. This will give the website a high search rank.


Search Engine bots need to be able to read and understand the contents of a site. Images, videos etc., though important from a Visitor’s perspective, are useless for Search Engines. The language used to describe the business activities should be precise and clear. This will make the website get high search rankings.

Ease of use

There is nothing more irritating to a Customer than an App that is difficult to navigate and use. They will promptly leave. If it is an easy to use an App, Customer’s will be loyal to it. By using adaptive design principles, it is easy to make the interface clean and easy to work with, irrespective of screen size.


When the search engine trawls the website, it must not only read the contents of the landing page, but also be provided with links to read the rest of the pages in the website.

Quick Enquiry


    A common, easy to understand URL will get high search rankings plus the Visitor can easily identify the site as the one he is searching for.

    Ease of Navigation

    This is very crucial to attract visitors and make them respond to the “Call to Action” button. Many Visitors may not be computer savvy and if they find navigation difficult, they will promptly leave. The website should be well designed with navigation in mind.

    These are a few of the aspects of sound web design. Some of the other aspects our experts take into consideration are: mobile friendly, speed of loading pages, keywords, content and layout, usability, services on offer, SEO, HTML title tags etc. Designing a good website requires a lot of expertise and experience in this field. That is why it is a job for well experienced organizations such as ours.

    Please feel free to call us on [email protected] or contact us at +1-900-242-23-23 . We will be glad to give you a free consultation. Once a Client entrusts the Web Design to us, he can rest assured we will give him backing 24×7. Our charges are moderate, but to us, the ‘Customer is King’.

    Years experience


    Years experience
    Certified experts


    Certified experts
    End user satisfaction


    End user satisfaction
    Global reach


    Global reach
    Service desk


    Service desk

    Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

    Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

    Website Design & Development

    Website Design & Development

    Digital Marketing Services

    Digital Marketing Services